One Day at a Time
One Day at a Time
One Day At A Time – I will make an effort to participate in the world. I will reach out and connect with another person. I can pick up the phone and call a friend, greet someone on the street, or I can smile at the clerk in the store.
One Day At A Time – I will put my focus on promoting the well-being of someone besides myself. I will take the attention off of me and my issues, and place it on the needs of another being.
One Day At A Time – I will pace myself and trust my body to guide me. I will not push when my body tells me it’s time to stop. I will do half of what I think I can accomplish.
One Day At A Time – I will eat well and exercise in moderation. I will take an interest in my appearance and tend to my personal hygiene. I may dress comfortably, but I will try to look my very best.
One Day At A Time – I will ask for help when I need it. I will accept assistance graciously and be thankful. I will appreciate the people in my life who support me.
One Day At A Time – I will live each day to the best of my ability and take responsibility for my own happiness. I will notice the good in life and not dwell on the negative. I will count my blessings and enjoy all that I’ve been given.
One Day At A Time – I will remember that I am more than my pain or my illness. I will believe that I am perfect exactly as I am. I will accept whatever comes my way with an attitude of gratitude.
One Day At A Time – I will make an extra effort to be patient and gentle with myself and others when I am feeling irritable and frustrated. No blame, no shame. Just because I am in pain doesn’t mean I have to be a pain.
One Day At A Time – I will create some quiet moments for myself. I can use them for inner reflection, reviewing my day, or strengthening my spiritual connections. Taking this time each day is a rich and rewarding gift to myself.
One Day At A Time – I will enjoy something that is fun. I will engage my mind in creative activities. I will try something different and be open to new possibilities.
One Day At A Time – I accept the conditions of my life as they are this day. Within any condition I can contribute to myself, my family, and my community. I am a valuable member of society.
One Day At A Time – I will acknowledge feelings of fear and anxiety as they rise up. When they appear, I will remember to put my trust in a Power greater than myself. I will have hope in knowing that this, too, shall pass, and I will have faith that I can thrive through anything when I do it one moment at a time.
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